Snipping Tool Failure


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
After a routine reboot I find that my Snipping Tool presents a blank screen when I request a new snip. I have tried changing the Options but no luck.

Is there a way of resetting this?
How strange!

What have you got selected under "mode"? Can you try setting it to "rectangular" and see if that changes how it works?
It wasn't the Snipping Tool that was the problem. :blush:

It was the Kaspersky Protected Browser settings that had somehow changed, maybe when I rebooted. In one setting Kaspersky prevents any copies of anything being made (this is clearly a good thing for sensitive material) and this obviously includes the Snipping Tool. Now that Kaspersky is reset I can snip again. :)

Thanks for the input, Ian and Mucks. :)
Glad you got to the bottom of it - good bit of detective work :D.