THere are no tools to divide a Snapshot in the manner you are
suggesting. How about trying this:
Download one of those Free/Shareware PDF printer Drivers. Anone using a
Browser should be able to view the PDFs. Search google in the Access
groups. THere is a post everyday listing sefveral sites where you can
download these drivers for free.
1) Place the MS SNapshot ActiveX control on a Form
2) Load the master/original SNaphsot file
3) Create a CommandButton to invoke the PrintSnapshot Method. Make sure
you pass TRUE for the param to signal whether the Print DIalog will
appear or not.
4) Select the Page range you desire
5) Print the selected Page range to the PDF driver
6) Email the PDF to the customer
THis all seems kind of backwards though. If you have your customers
already setup to view SNapshots then why don't you simply create 2
seperate SNapshot files , containing the desired page ranges, from the
original report?
Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
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