"Snap-in failed to initialize" at Windows server 2003

Aug 26, 2005
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I worngly deleted some files < I can't remember those file > and then when i explore the device manager from My Computer and give ther error message "Snap-in failed to initialize"

Also when I explore one of the Computer Management - user or etc the system give me the error "Snap-in failed to initialize"

Kindly help to fix that problem

Mg Mg
Click Start, Run and type in this command:

regsvr32 devmgr.dll


... and don't delete anymore files. ;)
Thank alot for your answer. it did not work. Now I found out the deleted files at recycle bin folder and then I restore at original location. After that all system seem to be ok.

I am very sorry for distribing your time.

Big apolpgy.

Mg Mg
No time wasted ... we are pleased to see it's 'fixed' ... :thumb:
AAAHHHH Recycle bin!

Now why didn't I think of that? Always a good place to start when wanting to recover deleted files etc.....

As mucks said no more deleting files!!! Youv'e been told. lol

Glad you got it sorted ;)

