Snap Happy Person.

Dec 14, 2007
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I snap, snap, snap, and as a result of this i have a great collection of digital photo's that now need developed.!

As a novice experimently i have cut, copied, saved. cropped, resized, altered brightness, contrast, gamma correction etc.

All using irfanview and this was great fun but unfortunately my irfanview alterations to some of the pictures when taken to Tesco are not subsequently say 6x4 but much smaller than intended with a coloured background dominating the picture .

When i download the photo's from my camera to the PC then using irfanview as the editor what are the settings i should adhere to so that regardless what background alterations i have tampered with i will get a normal sized collection of photograph's

Finally: All i would like to do is take pictures of my family download them to irfanview alter something's :mad: but not the original size and take them to Tesco. Also what format gif. tiff. jpg should be used when saving these snaps for family albums.
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Probably about 1024 x 760.

Best bet is to ask the person in Tescos what size is ideal for their prints.

Also, if you took a little more time getting to know your camera settings and paused before snapping to consider composition, you may not have to use Irfanview so much ;)
Have you tried printing your own pics? (I know, it's probably cheaper to get them done at Tesco's). :D

I get a certain amount of satisfaction from printing my own and it was initially a learning process with all sorts of shapes and sizes appearing. But gradually I got there and can turn out pics that are just what I want.

I have also fiddled with various photo packages including IrfanView but have never had problems with the backgrounds. The final photograph has always looked like the shot on the PC.
Can I recommend using an online photo processing company such as Photobox or Snapfish?

Both have good deals on from time to time (free P&P/20 free 6x4 prints etc) and you get to preview (and alter) how your prints will turn out BEFORE you order them. Generally next day delivery too.
It is true that i should get to know the camera i have had for over 2years and never took the time to learn it's setting's which i will do in future. Probably the Kodak user manual will enlighten me, should have done this from the start.

I may try online processing as mentioned. As for printing my own pic's perhap's a little later i better study the camera book first.

probably something around 150 dpi or more is good,. any more than 300 dpi is not required as somewhere like tesco (though more won't hurt)

so a 6x4" print at 300dpi is 1800x1200 pixies :)

a nice free to download and use editor is