SMTP not sending Error 0x800ccc0f

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Where is Hal Hostetler?
Outlook2000/Windows XP.
I can receive tho not send even test emails. I have the latest SPs/updates. I
have also tried OE6 and even Netscape7(which seems to send but mails never
arrive) with the same results. I have tried several diagnostic packages.
One, a spam blocker, was unable to locate the smtp info.
I have checked with my ISP Onetel and I can send emails from my mailzone
server. My settings seem to be correct and there are no extraneous boxes
ticked. I have tried w/ and w/o authentication. I have re-created my acct
many times both from the Control Panel applet and from Tools/Accounts. My
smtp port setting is 25, my incoming POP3 is 110. I have Norton's 'Keep
Connection Alive' enabled. I have disabled my firewall and my incoming and
outgoing email scans.
I have tried all the troubleshooting w/o any progress. I have disabled my
firewall, even completely unistalled Nortonsystemworks 2005, un/re-installed
my internet mail accts, etc. I am a home/office used, no network, dial-up
modem, NTL connection, Onetel ISP, no proxy servers, really nothing fancy,
yet I cannot send a email.

I have created the following log by editing the Registry.

Microsoft Internet Messaging API 6.00.2900.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
SMTP Log started at 04/02/2005 12:05:43
SMTP: 12:05:43 [db] Connecting to '' on port 25.
SMTP: 12:05:43 [db] srv_name = "" srv_addr =
SMTP: 12:05:45 [db] Connection to '' closed.
SMTP: 12:05:45 [db] ERROR: "Your server has unexpectedly terminated the
connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network
problems, or a long period of inactivity.", hr=2148322319

Could this be a registry problem? I previous had Office XP on the system. It
became corrupted. I uninstalled it and I replaced it with Office2000 Premium.
What is involved with reinstalling Windows? What would I lose?
About all I can suggest is to try using Telnet to connnect to the SMTP
server. I suspect it will fail, considering you have three different email
application and NONE of them can communicate with the SMTP server you're
trying to work with. It may, however, provide some additional clues as to
where the problem is.
Sending e-mail via Telnet

Hal Hostetler, CPBE -- (e-mail address removed)
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-S/U -- WA7BGX -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Still Cadillacin' -