Where is Hal Hostetler?
Outlook2000/Windows XP.
I can receive tho not send even test emails. I have the latest SPs/updates. I
have also tried OE6 and even Netscape7(which seems to send but mails never
arrive) with the same results. I have tried several diagnostic packages.
One, a spam blocker, was unable to locate the smtp info.
I have checked with my ISP Onetel and I can send emails from my mailzone
server. My settings seem to be correct and there are no extraneous boxes
ticked. I have tried w/ and w/o authentication. I have re-created my acct
many times both from the Control Panel applet and from Tools/Accounts. My
smtp port setting is 25, my incoming POP3 is 110. I have pinged my server
and all 4 packets seemingly return. I have Norton's 'Keep
Connection Alive' enabled. I have disabled my firewall and my incoming and
outgoing email scans.
I have tried all the troubleshooting w/o any progress. I have disabled my
firewall, even completely unistalled Nortonsystemworks 2005, un/re-installed
my internet mail accts, etc. I am a home/office used, no network, dial-up
modem, NTL connection, Onetel ISP, no proxy servers, really nothing fancy,
yet I cannot send a email.
I have created the following log by editing the Registry.
Microsoft Internet Messaging API 6.00.2900.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
SMTP Log started at 04/02/2005 12:05:43
SMTP: 12:05:43 [db] Connecting to 'mail.onetel.net.uk' on port 25.
SMTP: 12:05:43 [db] srv_name = "mail.onetel.net.uk" srv_addr =
SMTP: 12:05:45 [db] Connection to 'mail.onetel.net.uk' closed.
SMTP: 12:05:45 [db] ERROR: "Your server has unexpectedly terminated the
connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network
problems, or a long period of inactivity.", hr=2148322319
Could this be a registry problem? I previous had Office XP on the system. It
became corrupted. I uninstalled it and I replaced it with Office2000 Premium.
What is involved with reinstalling Windows? What would I lose?
Outlook2000/Windows XP.
I can receive tho not send even test emails. I have the latest SPs/updates. I
have also tried OE6 and even Netscape7(which seems to send but mails never
arrive) with the same results. I have tried several diagnostic packages.
One, a spam blocker, was unable to locate the smtp info.
I have checked with my ISP Onetel and I can send emails from my mailzone
server. My settings seem to be correct and there are no extraneous boxes
ticked. I have tried w/ and w/o authentication. I have re-created my acct
many times both from the Control Panel applet and from Tools/Accounts. My
smtp port setting is 25, my incoming POP3 is 110. I have pinged my server
and all 4 packets seemingly return. I have Norton's 'Keep
Connection Alive' enabled. I have disabled my firewall and my incoming and
outgoing email scans.
I have tried all the troubleshooting w/o any progress. I have disabled my
firewall, even completely unistalled Nortonsystemworks 2005, un/re-installed
my internet mail accts, etc. I am a home/office used, no network, dial-up
modem, NTL connection, Onetel ISP, no proxy servers, really nothing fancy,
yet I cannot send a email.
I have created the following log by editing the Registry.
Microsoft Internet Messaging API 6.00.2900.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
SMTP Log started at 04/02/2005 12:05:43
SMTP: 12:05:43 [db] Connecting to 'mail.onetel.net.uk' on port 25.
SMTP: 12:05:43 [db] srv_name = "mail.onetel.net.uk" srv_addr =
SMTP: 12:05:45 [db] Connection to 'mail.onetel.net.uk' closed.
SMTP: 12:05:45 [db] ERROR: "Your server has unexpectedly terminated the
connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network
problems, or a long period of inactivity.", hr=2148322319
Could this be a registry problem? I previous had Office XP on the system. It
became corrupted. I uninstalled it and I replaced it with Office2000 Premium.
What is involved with reinstalling Windows? What would I lose?