Yeah it specialises in payroll systems.... <groan>
You want a laptop with that!
Not only can you get your favorite OS, but
now they are selling you a laptop as well. But it will still be from your
payroll to theirs, I am still waiting for DIY laptops, and what about the
promised changeable graphics ports, that everyone was supposed to be
working on?
Come on we had this talk when hyperthreading came out! This would of been
news about the time AMD brought out their MP Athlons. Now you ain't jack
unless you have a quad server, by swapping out those single core Opterons,
with duals? Now what your going to use those quad servers for is anyone's
guess, I just hope they have plenty of ram. I feel bad that all I use my
dual cpu system for is RC5-72, if it wasn't doing that then it would be
idle most of the time. As it is reading Newsgroups isn't that tasking on a
cpu. I am still waiting for my psu to burn my power cable so I can RMA my
board, you know those finicky tyan MP 2460's and their +5 volt lines. I
might have to upgrade, as my wife's two year old laptop is the fastest
computer in the house. I hate it when you choose good parts, I don't have
an excuse to upgrade! It's kind of like those Yo mama so old jokes, I
guess I will wait to hear from all those dual PI, PII, users still out