Smoking near comp, is it killing it?

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Coffee Lover

I smoke about 4-5 packs a day. I'm in the room with the comp around 10
hours a day AT LEAST!

I was wondering if I'm killing the comp faster than normal AND if so,
which parts are most affected??
Coffee Lover said:
I smoke about 4-5 packs a day. I'm in the room with the comp around 10
hours a day AT LEAST!

I was wondering if I'm killing the comp faster than normal AND if so,
which parts are most affected??

4 to 5 packs a day? Don't worry. You'll be dead before the comp.
Coffee Lover said:
I smoke about 4-5 packs a day. I'm in the room with the comp around 10
hours a day AT LEAST!

I was wondering if I'm killing the comp faster than normal AND if so,
which parts are most affected??

1. Modern disk drives have pretty good air filters, but I would
guess that after a while smoke particles would begin to seep in,
and that could very definitely kill a disk drive.

2. Check inside your computer and see whether the fins of
any of the heatsinks are gupped up. If so, clean them.

-- Bob Day
Funny.Worried about your poor computers' lungs.
Bet ya everything in that room has a nice brown film on it.Including inside
your PC.
I smoke about 4-5 packs a day. I'm in the room with the comp around 10
hours a day AT LEAST!

I was wondering if I'm killing the comp faster than normal AND if so,
which parts are most affected??

Seriously, the operator is affected most. For the price of 4-5 packs
a day, you could afford a brand new computer every few months -
if you could only quit and extend the time you'll likely need that

Other than that, don't worry, smoking only negilibibly decreases
your computer's useful lifetime.

I smoke about 4-5 packs a day. I'm in the room with the comp around 10
hours a day AT LEAST!

I was wondering if I'm killing the comp faster than normal AND if so,
which parts are most affected??

Tobacco smoke leaves a light brown coating on everything. Smoking is
not good for electronics and it is rather difficult to remove from
screens. I suggest only smoking outside--you'll get some needed fresh
air too! It's never too late to quit.
2. Check inside your computer and see whether the fins of
any of the heatsinks are gupped up. If so, clean them.

They always are, gummy sticky brownish on the fins of fans. Have to
clean em like every month.
Funny.Worried about your poor computers' lungs.
Bet ya everything in that room has a nice brown film on it.Including inside
your PC.

It does. but my question?
Coffee Lover said:
I hear ya but man this is hardcore habit i have here..

I feel your pain... I used to smoke too. Not 5 packs a ay, but 1.5 to 2. I
used to do It on the comp too... playing mmo's all night. I finally
reliazed, I can quit smoking, or probably die, a slow and painful death. I
did quit. It was very hard. But cancer Is harder.....
Coffee said:
thanks for an answer.

Some parts of the computer are more exposed than others.

Your CD/DVD drive has optics inside it. The smoke film
could coat the optical components. Smoke could also coat
the surface of any CDs you are using.

The floppy drive head is exposed. Floppy disk media is
exposed to the air as well. Both could be coated.

The hard drive has a "breather hole". The purpose of the
breather hole, is to equalize changes in atmospheric
pressure. Which means the hard drive breathes a tiny tiny
bit as the barometric pressure changes. The "breather hole"
has filter material placed over the hole. The filter will
remove most of the smoke particles, as they are
pretty large. The hard drive also has swirling winds inside,
and strategically placed filter material in the drive,
removes particles from the swirling winds as the platter

(Filter used on the hard drive breather hole...)

So those are examples of things that could be affected.
I cannot tell you how much smoke affects them. But
at least now, when something breaks on the computer,
you can consider the list of exposed components.

The power supply has heat sinks on it, as does the
processor, the Northbridge and so on. The combination
of smoke and dust, could gum those up more than would
be found on a non-smoker's computer.

I feel your pain... I used to smoke too. Not 5 packs a ay, but 1.5 to 2. I
used to do It on the comp too... playing mmo's all night. I finally
reliazed, I can quit smoking, or probably die, a slow and painful death. I
did quit. It was very hard. But cancer Is harder.....

I tried the gum, patches, meds, what did you use?
I tried the gum, patches, meds, what did you use?

Don't worry about it, just wait around until you have your first fuc****
heart attack. That'll provide all the motivation you need PDQ. It sure was
all I needed. Been smoke-free for 6 years now. :-)


Linux Geek

Saying that XP is the most stable MS OS is like saying that
asparagus is the most articulate vegetable. (Dave Barry)
Don't worry about it, just wait around until you have your first fuc****
heart attack. That'll provide all the motivation you need PDQ. It sure was
all I needed. Been smoke-free for 6 years now. :-)

There's one method that'll 'cure' smoking and snoring, very cheaply, in
about 5 minutes. It does have one side-effect, but no-one's ever complained
about it: cling film over the face.
4 to 5 packs a day? Don't worry. You'll be dead before the comp.

I am a smoker, but not anywhere near that amount. I can not see how
anyone could possibly smoke 5 packs in a day. Thats 100 cigs. It
takes about 3 to 5 min. to smoke a cig. At 5min. each, thats 500 min.
per day, which comes out to continuous smoking for over 8 hours a day.
I agree, you will be dead before the computer. As a smoker who
defends my right to smoke, and who gets really irritated by
anti-smokers who get in my face about the habit. Yet, I believe that
there is a big difference between moderate or casual smoking and
suicidal smoking. In your case it's suicidal ! Not to mention the
cost of 5 packs a day.

As far as the computer, I have smoked around my computers and never
had any problems other than the gunk that builds up on the monitor
screen and case. Of course the monitor is where I smoke, whereas the
computer itself is on the floor where there wont be as much smoke as
there is higher in the room. I'm not the best housekeeper, so my fans
tend to get coated with dust. I try to blow the dust out of the cases
at least once a year. The brown tinge in the dust does indicate the
smoking, but I cant say I have ever had any failures because of it.
My old computer just died a few months back. I built it in 1997, and
use it almost daily. That means it lasted 10 years. I'm still using
the same hard drive in my newer computer. On the other hand, Monitors
never last as long. Seems like every 3 to 4 years I need a new one.
Of course the "new" ones are usually used ones.

Take this from a smoker. Do yourself a favor. If you cant quit, cut
down to no more than a pack a day !!!! Otherwise, prepare for your
own funeral.

I tried the gum, patches, meds, what did you use?

I stopped cigarettes and started smoking a pipe. Mistake--I continued
smoking the pipe for 10 years, another habit that was difficult to
quit. It takes a lot of will power, a very lot. I had cravings that
I thought would never end, then finally did after 1 year. When you
make up your mind you will do it. I love coffee, and always
associated a good cup of java with a smoke--but no more. And yes,
food does tastes better after quitting so most folks gain weight.
Every smoker knows that nicotine is extremely addictive. A medical
doctor once told me that there are thousands of toxins in cigarette
smoke--that thought helped me quit but I needed more than that to kick
the habit. I always thought that x-smokers have a lot of will power.
Coffee Lover said:
I tried the gum, patches, meds, what did you use?

Zyban finally cracked it for me. Prescribed by the doctor, and supplemented
by attendance of a smoking cessation clinic!

John said:
Zyban finally cracked it for me. Prescribed by the doctor, and
supplemented by attendance of a smoking cessation clinic!

15 years ago I put my pouch of tobacco on a shelf,
a year later it was still sitting there, and I ditched it.
Normally I would smoke about 50/day.
One of the curious side effects was very hot, tingling
hands, and what to do with them, when not bizy, because
in the past any free moment was used to roll yet another fag.
I did not smoke ever again. :)
I think it is important that YOU want to quit, if the
pressure to quit comes from others, you are less likely
to succeed.
What convinced me was that I started to cough in the morning.
That cough disappeared in one or two weeks, and has not
come back (Yet). :) (63 yrs old now)

Don't worry about it, just wait around until you have your first fuc****
heart attack. That'll provide all the motivation you need PDQ. It sure was
all I needed. Been smoke-free for 6 years now. :-)

Wow, that was not the 'therapy' I was looking for, considering you
have a 50/50 chance of not later deciding to give up smokes.

Unless satan can spare one, you're ok.