Check this article out and then read the second one for a better
"Back in the late 90's we used to have a lot of machines come into the
computer store I was working in with viruses that had been written into the
machine's Bios. Then manufacturers started protecting the bios, which helped
a lot. But this latest rootkit written to the bios type attack will be much
more vicious. it appears that the manufacturers once again will need to step
in to protect their Bios from such hanky panky. In fact, these type of
rootkits would also affect Linux machines, as they are installed into the
bios while you are being hacked. But it is far more likely that the majority
of infected computers will be windows machines because they are easier to
hack. In the next few months I expect Bios manufacturers to come up with
answers in the form of important Bios updates that will really need to be
installed to get around the hackers."
Oy Vey!
"Back in the late 90's we used to have a lot of machines come into the
computer store I was working in with viruses that had been written into the
machine's Bios. Then manufacturers started protecting the bios, which helped
a lot. But this latest rootkit written to the bios type attack will be much
more vicious. it appears that the manufacturers once again will need to step
in to protect their Bios from such hanky panky. In fact, these type of
rootkits would also affect Linux machines, as they are installed into the
bios while you are being hacked. But it is far more likely that the majority
of infected computers will be windows machines because they are easier to
hack. In the next few months I expect Bios manufacturers to come up with
answers in the form of important Bios updates that will really need to be
installed to get around the hackers."
Oy Vey!