Hank (
[email protected]) wrote:
: : > I got a new Viewsonic 19" flat screen and it really stinks too. You
: > actually have to air out the room its in cause the smell is pretty
: > strong same as the AOC I used to have on a second PC.
: >
: Call me crazy but I find the odor of a brand new piece of electronics
: burning in quite pleasing.
: Hank
Ok, you are crazy!
As a person who was totally healthy for the first 40 years of my life, I
now have to avoid so many things that I can't tolerate airplanes, most
restaurants, houses with carpets, people wearing perfume or any other
scented 'personal care products' .... the list goes on and on ....
you really are crazy.
Well, no, uninformed would be a better word.
I got this way as a result of long term exposure to too a bit too much of
way too many chemical fumes - *none* of which were at levels that were
recognized as being hazardous to long term health.
Individually, they were not. Collectively, yes - very. The number of
people with my condition, or on their way to being this badly off, is
estimated by different sources as being from 10% to as much as 40% of the
total population .... and it is a known fact that the numbers are
BTW, tobacco smoke, either direct or second-hand, is at the top of the
list of things to avoid.
Put those smelly things in a warm room with all windows wide open and the
door to the rest of the house closed ... and leave them there until you
can barely detect the smell. Later on in your life you will be glad that
you did.
If I can convince even one of you to take my advice ... this post will be
worth it!
The skeptics have my sympathy.
Ben F.
benf-at-chebucto-dot-ca (make the obvious changes to reply)
What future can there be for a society that values entertainment
more highly than education? Ben Fullerton 1996