

Mike D.

Hello -

I recently upgraded my Audio drivers to the latest version. The Audio
applet, SMAX4.EXE runs at startup. Windows Defender classifies SMAX4.EXE as
an 'unclassified program' and every time I boot my computer I am prompted
with a security warning and asked to confirm that I want to run this
program. Is there a way to change the status of a program to 'permitted' so
I do not receive this window?



Hello Mike,

This is probably happening because you have checked the boxes in Choose if
Windows Defender should notify you about:

You can't change the not yet classified (one just has to wait until spynet
classifies the item), but you could try the following:
In History note the exact path and file that is listed in the alert.
Then in Tools, Options, scroll down to Advanced options. Next to the box
click add, navigate to the path anhd file you noted, click OK.
You will no longer get an alert each time the software runs, although a log
will still be generated in event viewer.

I hope this post is helpful, let us know how it works ºut.

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