SmartNavigation + IE: Check for newer version of pages: Every visi



Hello there,

We have encountered a strange error with our ASP.NET applications in
combination with SmartNavigation and the setting from Internet Explorer:
‘Check for newer version of pages: Every visit to the pagesâ€. With this
option is set in Internet Explorer, after postback displaying information on
screen behaves differently than expected. Behaviour is dependent on different
IE versions / installations. Controls are not anymore aligned correctly on
screen (positioning is controlled via CSS files); this is the most common
behavior. On other computer when the problem occurs, combo boxes looses their
drop-down list, just the current element is visible.
Pages needs to be complex enough, we did tried to isolate the issue in a
small sample, but did not managed.
We also think we did manage to isolate where the problem occurs in
SmartNav.js, of course we might be wrong, but currently this seams to solve
our problem.

When response is received after a post-back the code from Smartnav.js is
copying elements from the hidden frame, reconstructing the page. With the
mentioned setting from Internet Explorer, this results that when dealing with
the LINK elements, their readyState can be still “loadingâ€, in which moments
the problem occurs.

Adding an alert before “document.body.clearAttributes†seams to make sure
the problem does not occurs; this leaded us to the idea that it is a timing
problem and started to check readyStates.

By extending the special exceptions which are done for BASEFONT also to
LINK, seams like the problem does not occurs anymore.

Of course this is probably not “the solutionâ€, just was a way to get some
extra info what is happening.

versions: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 + Visual Studio .NET 2003
IE: 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2..... on XP Profesional SP1 English
IE: 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2..... on XP Profesional SP1 Dutch

Anybody has some ideas, suggestions how should be this problem dealt with?

Thanks in advance,


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