For some reason I can no longer simply use my wheel or sidebars to scroll
line by line. It still actually moves the page Im looking at BUT it does it
in "waves" instead of by the lines. When I use the mouse wheel to move down
for exampe the page will have a "wave" come from top to bottom and once its
done my page will move down. VERY ANNOYING.
I've already tried to go into the control panel/mouse but no changes help.
Please help with any suggestions.
line by line. It still actually moves the page Im looking at BUT it does it
in "waves" instead of by the lines. When I use the mouse wheel to move down
for exampe the page will have a "wave" come from top to bottom and once its
done my page will move down. VERY ANNOYING.
I've already tried to go into the control panel/mouse but no changes help.
Please help with any suggestions.