Smart Document Deployment

  • Thread starter Thread starter satheesh
  • Start date Start date



I need help on deploying a Smart document. I get the error "A
file that's part of the expansion pack could not be downloaded. The XML
expansion pack may not work properly. Contact your system administrator for
furthur details" all the time when I open the document from the web browser
from a client PC. I tried deploying the SimpleSample application which comes
the Smart Doc SDK samples. I tried deploying this using the web server
aswell as file copy. Both are not working.

I get this download expansion pack message when I open the document in the
client PC.

" This document works best when you use an up-to-date XML expansion pack
from: "
file path
" Do you want to download the expansion pack ? "

But after that it could not download the expansion pack. It gives the error
"A file that's part of the expansion pack could not be downloaded. The XML
expansion pack may not work properly. Contact your system administrator for
furthur details"


Hi Satheesh,

The office.developer.smarttags groups is the most likely place to get help
with Smart Documents. You should also include in which programming environment
the solution you're using was written (VB, NET, C#, etc.)

From my experience with this, I'd say the first thing to check is that the
file paths are written out correctly in the manifest. I'm also not sure
whether a SmartDocument can work from within a web browser?
I need help on deploying a Smart document. I get the error "A
file that's part of the expansion pack could not be downloaded. The XML
expansion pack may not work properly. Contact your system administrator for
furthur details" all the time when I open the document from the web browser
from a client PC. I tried deploying the SimpleSample application which comes
the Smart Doc SDK samples. I tried deploying this using the web server
aswell as file copy. Both are not working.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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