Mike, I got a little confused here. Let me recap the way I understand things:
In your original lists you have some names in B5:B50 and you have some hour
values associated with them in D5

50. Presumably we can't change any of
those entries; they are what they are.
Previously we came up with a formula for column E (E5:E50) that would list
the values from D5

50 in ascending order.
And as I understand it now, instead of the hours from D5

50 sequenced in
E5:E50, you want the names from B5:B50 to be put into E5:E50 instead of the
ascending hour values.
Hope I got all that right, because that's what I'm about to give you. It's
going to take no less than 4 helper columns for me to do it. I have no doubt
someone else could probably do it with fewer, but not me. This is the best I
could come up with.
I started my helper columns out at column Y.
In Y5 put the formula =D5
in Y6 put the formula =D6+(COUNTIF(D$5

and fill that down to Y50.
What this does is account for duplicate entries in column D and make them
unique so that the RANK() formula we'll use in a moment doesn't slam us with
a tie value.
In Z5 put this formula =RANK(Y5,Y$5:Y$50,ROW()-4)
and fill it down to Z50
In AA5 enter this formula =SMALL($Y$5:$Y$50,ROW()-4)
and fill it down to AA50
In AB5 we need this formula: =ROW()
and, yes, fill down to AB50
Now we put all of that to use in column E with this formula in E5:
and of course fill it down through E50.
You can hide columns Y:AB if you want, and to prevent really wide printouts,
you can use Page Setup to restrict the print area for the sheet to exclude
those columns.
I hope this helps.