Juan Pablo González
Beto, you can use INDEX (INDICE) after you get the small (K.ESIMO.MENOR) or
large (K.ESIMO.MAYOR) number, something like
=INDEX(A1:A100, MATCH(LARGE(B1:B100,3), B1:B100, 0))
or in spanish:
=INDICE(A1:A100, COINCIDIR(K.ESIMO.MAYOR(B1:B100,3), B1:B100, 0))
where A1:A100 house the names, and B1:B100 the numbers.
large (K.ESIMO.MAYOR) number, something like
=INDEX(A1:A100, MATCH(LARGE(B1:B100,3), B1:B100, 0))
or in spanish:
=INDICE(A1:A100, COINCIDIR(K.ESIMO.MAYOR(B1:B100,3), B1:B100, 0))
where A1:A100 house the names, and B1:B100 the numbers.