Small Crunch Workloads?


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Is there a way that I could set up a computer to receive smaller chunks of work, rather than getting a couple of big workloads at a time? I've got WCG on my laptop, but as I only use it for a short time in a week the workloads expire before I get a chance to submit them.

Ideally I could configure it to take smaller chunks, so there's a much better chance of being submitted :thumb:
On your WCGs page, go to device manager device profile then workunit cache settings & set it to 0.2 days or similar ... leave cache, extra days of work, blank.

Ady may have a better suggestion. :D
I gave the laptop a few days to see what happens, but it's given me 2 huge WU's that take around 10 hours each to complete :( It's shame they don't have an option to accept only small work units.
Ian Cunningham said:
I gave the laptop a few days to see what happens, but it's given me 2 huge WU's that take around 10 hours each to complete :( It's shame they don't have an option to accept only small work units.

Why not buy or build a cheapo pc/laptop that you can just leave running for crunching..I leave mine going 24/7...And am in the process of building a second one for crunching...
Mucks suggestion will reduce the number of WU's you get, but what you need is also to just to run the project which has the smallest units I guess......but I can't remember which one it is - will do some research and come back :thumb:
Thanks Ady! :D I had a look in the help docs, but couldn't see anything mentioned on it - so anything you find would be most welcome :bow:
They all seem pretty similar from what I can see - but you may have better luck with Help Conquer Cancer or Help Fight Childhood Cancer units?
Yes I have noticed the help fight childhood cancer units seem to be all quite small, under 4 hours most of the ones I have had anyway..

Like Ady says the Help conquer cancer units seem to be smaller aswell..
LOL I just let the PC get on with it...Had one the other day which was 150 hours....Biiiiiiig or what...I leave my PC cruncher on 24/7
Thanks for the advice guys, I'll get it going on the HCC units and see if that reduces the crunching time (so that it gets crunched before expiring). :thumb:
Madxgraphics said:
While on the topic....erm what happened to stats today Ian..? Did ya look at the scripts..?

Yep, I took a look but the raw stats are compiled at 8am from an external server. Somtimes it updates if the stats are wonky, but not today.

If it does the same tomorrow I'll post the stats manually :thumb:
Ian Cunningham said:
Yep, I took a look but the raw stats are compiled at 8am from an external server. Somtimes it updates if the stats are wonky, but not today.

If it does the same tomorrow I'll post the stats manually :thumb:

Ta very much Ian