SM Symbol in Spelling, Auto Correct

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scott
  • Start date Start date


Access 2002

I've tried to add to following in the Auto Correct window:

Replace (sm) with sm

I used sm with the smallest size possible, but when it corrects it becomes
as large as the text before that, and that's not what I wanted, I wanted it
to be the same size as if I would enter (TM); doe's anyone know how to do
that. ?


Hi Scott,

AFAIK there's no remotely simple way of doing this.

1) When you type (TM) and it changes to ™, the font size doesnt' change.
The four characters (TM) are simply replaced by the one special
character ™. There's no equivalent for SM.

2) The Autocorrect system that does this is shared across all the Office
applications, but only in Word can it insert differently-formatted
characters such as a superscript "SM".

3) Access text fields have no font formatting capabilities at all. All
the text in a field is shown in the same font and size, which are
determined by the settings of the control or datasheet that is
displaying it.

THe possibilities include (1) using rich text controls to display your
text, and writing your own code to detect when the user types "(SM)" and
insert a superscript "S" and "M"; and (2) using a custom font with a
superscript SM as a single character and setting up the standard
autocorrect system to make the substitution.

Access 2002

I've tried to add to following in the Auto Correct window:

Replace (sm) with sm

I used sm with the smallest size possible, but when it corrects it becomes
as large as the text before that, and that's not what I wanted, I wanted it
to be the same size as if I would enter (TM); doe's anyone know how to do
that. ?



John Nurick [Microsoft Access MVP]

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