Slows computer down

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael
  • Start date Start date


I have over 1 GIG of ram and a 1.5 Ghz CPU. Now, my
computer is pretty darn fast. I know it is not good to
run other applications during a scanning of such tools
like this one, but during the scan, my computer pretty
much froze up. The tool kept scanning, but when i went to
other active windows, like AIM, no luck. They basically
froze to where I can't access them until the scan is
done. Sooo, Microsoft, if you are listening to user
feedback, i would suggest making this antispyware tool
use alot less system resources to where people can manage
to look at other things while they scan. Other than that,
this tool has a pretty nice user interface and graphics.
Most anti-malware tools work best if *all* other windows/applications are
closed, Michael.
I have yet to see any software that scans the drive that does NOT do the
same thing. Adaware, Spybot, and AV program. I can bring a 3 GHz P4 with
one gig of RAM to a halt with Adaware and trying to do anything else. And as
Robear has mentioned, don't be running something else while scanning with
I agree. MS-ASW does slow down the pc, application
opening and web browsing. This problem is NOT evident in
other packages, namely SpyBot.