slow startup



when starting up windows xp home edition, it loads to the blue screen, (windows is starting up). it stays that way for ten minutes, then the windows xp screensaver starts. i then move mouse and everything starts up fine. i tried turning everything off except anti-virus in msconfig, it did not change the startup process. any help would sure be appreciate

Pop Rivet

Try checking the Event Log ; System and Application logs for hints. HELP
will tell you how to access it.

rrs55 said:
when starting up windows xp home edition, it loads to the blue screen,
(windows is starting up). it stays that way for ten minutes, then the
windows xp screensaver starts. i then move mouse and everything starts up
fine. i tried turning everything off except anti-virus in msconfig, it did
not change the startup process. any help would sure be appreciated

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