Do an internet search for BootVis. There are still the rare sites that have it. If you can't find it e:mail me and I will send you a copy of the one I have. Contrary to what the "supposed" eXPerts , MVP's and Microsoft claim BootVis has an optimization tool that WILL and DOES decrease your bootup times. I don't care that there are claims that XP has it's own built in optimizer. BootVis reduced my boot up time by 12seconds. Not a major boost but not bad either. I load from cold start to a useable desktop through a logon screen in 42secs. If someone tells me that I can get a free thingamabob to put on my Ford engine to improve my gas mileage and then I do so and in fact get better mileage only to have ford and the thingamabob supplier tell me it doesn't do squat guess I'm going to stick with what I know to be true. Using the thingamabob improves my mileage. The same goes for BootVis. Using BootVis optimization routine reduces my boot times. A pure and simple statement of fact. I have now put the utility on a disk for my own use in case my system crashes and I can't find it again. I recommend anyone who has it do the same.