slow sending pictures



When sending pictures it is very slow sending them and sometime the server
will time out.Have contacted my internet provider and they don't know why
it slow on pictures. It is not slow when sending a text only message.
Outlook express 6
Windows XP sp2

Shenan Stanley

Bike said:
When sending pictures it is very slow sending them and sometime the
server will time out.Have contacted my internet provider and they
don't know why it slow on pictures. It is not slow when sending a
text only message. Outlook express 6
Windows XP sp2

Pictures are larger than text.

What type of Internet connection do you have?
What is the upload speed of your connection?
What type of picture (JPEG, BITMAP, GIF, ETC) are you attempting to send?
What is the file size of the average picture you are sending?

Ron Sommer

Shenan Stanley said:
Pictures are larger than text.

What type of Internet connection do you have?
What is the upload speed of your connection?
What type of picture (JPEG, BITMAP, GIF, ETC) are you attempting to send?
What is the file size of the average picture you are sending?

How many pictures are you sending?

Dennis M. Marks

One picture can be 100 times the size of the average text message. If you
just transfer a picture from your camera and then send it you can be trying
to send a megabyte of data. You must use some sort of photo editing program
to reduce the file size before sending. Photos sent that are to only be
displayed on the screen do not need the resolution of one to be printed.

My brother-in-law has a broadband connection and thinks nothing of sending
10s of megabytes of photos in a few seconds. Pity the person on the
receiving end that spends an hour downloading the pictures.


The internet connection is wireless.There is antenna outside that connects
to my provider.The local area connection shows 10.0mbps connections.The last
picture I sent was only 58kb jpg.After 7 minutes it was still not sent.Get a
time out error after a minute.I sent just one picture.Went PCPitstop to
measure upload speed and nothing was happening. After 5 minutes I stopped
the test.Did disable fire wall and virius scanner. Sounds like this is my
problem.PcPitstop showed download speed at 452kbps.


My upload is very slow,sometimes it doesn't do anything(sending).Now to fix
this problem.

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