For me it was NOT memory related. Slow scrolling on alot
but not all websites, and slow response when typing in
forms like the ones when you submitted this problem. I
tried reinstalling using add/remove restore previous...
Nothing I did including spybot search and destroy,
adaware, etc. helped. If you must have it resolved and no
one else has a solution, try IEradicator. I used it to
uninstall internet explorer, and the problem went away. I
reinstalled IE 6 and problem has not resurfaced. I had a
message pop-up about missing files when I first removed
IE, but only twice. Then I reinstalled IE 6, and adjusted
settings back to what I prefer (it deletes your
preferences). IEradicator doesn't work with Windows XP
yet, though (I have Windows 98 version 4.10.1998). I also
warn that it may not work as well for you as it did for
me. If you do it, follow instructions in readme file.
There you will find a free version and a professional
version (for networks). That sounded like an ad...