Slow running when resuming from standby



My Dell laptop runs very slow when resuming from standby. The monitor comes back to life and desktop appears normal. Programs will even run except everything runs very, very slowly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...Phil


-----Original Message-----
My Dell laptop runs very slow when resuming from
standby. The monitor comes back to life and desktop
appears normal. Programs will even run except everything
runs very, very slowly. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks...Phil
I have 3 computers running XP Home + Pro,they all do
that.H/P,Dell,Emachine-support can't tell me why.I save
what I was working on,and restart,that takes care of it.


I've had this exact same problem since early this fact, it just happened as I began writing this reply! I'm running XP Pro SP1a. I just completed a clearn reinstall of XP and still have the problem. I'm on a Gateway P4 (2.54 GHz, 500 Mb memory, 70 Gb on HD to spare. Since this problem appears to occur across manufacturers it looks like either Intel or MS have a major problem...I'm still lookling for a solution and will post if found

Good Luck...

----- PhilR714 wrote: ----

My Dell laptop runs very slow when resuming from standby. The monitor comes back to life and desktop appears normal. Programs will even run except everything runs very, very slowly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...Phil

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