I need to read the entire eventlog and parse it. The application uses vb.net and the EventLog object. The problem i'm having is that it can take less then a second up to 15 seconds to read all entries in the eventlog. I used Perfmon and found the following two counters that were used heavily
..NET CLR Security Total Runtime Check
..NET CLR Interop # of marshallin
I have written some sample code that shows my problem
Module Module
Sub Main(
'Dim evl As New EventLog("System"
Dim evl As New EventLog("Application"
Dim str As Strin
Dim startTime, endTime As Dat
str = "No entries: " & evl.Entries.Coun
For x As Integer = 0 To
startTime = No
For Each entry As EventLogEntry In evl.Entrie
str = entry.UserName & entry.Source & entry.MachineName &
entry.Category & entry.CategoryNumber & entry.EntryType &
entry.EventID & entry.Index & entry.TimeGenerated & entry.Messag
endTime = No
str = "Started: " & startTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffff") & vbCrLf &
"Ended: " & endTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffff"
End Su
End Modul
When i run it on a P4 machine (3GHz and 2G ram) i get the following results
No entries: 170
Started: 12:04:34.875
Ended: 12:04:38.890
No entries: 193
Started: 12:05:37.937
Ended: 12:05:39.859
Since the application i'm writing is a graphical one i don't want any hangings
Any ideas how i can trim the system or change the code to make it run faster
..NET CLR Security Total Runtime Check
..NET CLR Interop # of marshallin
I have written some sample code that shows my problem
Module Module
Sub Main(
'Dim evl As New EventLog("System"
Dim evl As New EventLog("Application"
Dim str As Strin
Dim startTime, endTime As Dat
str = "No entries: " & evl.Entries.Coun
For x As Integer = 0 To
startTime = No
For Each entry As EventLogEntry In evl.Entrie
str = entry.UserName & entry.Source & entry.MachineName &
entry.Category & entry.CategoryNumber & entry.EntryType &
entry.EventID & entry.Index & entry.TimeGenerated & entry.Messag
endTime = No
str = "Started: " & startTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffff") & vbCrLf &
"Ended: " & endTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffff"
End Su
End Modul
When i run it on a P4 machine (3GHz and 2G ram) i get the following results
No entries: 170
Started: 12:04:34.875
Ended: 12:04:38.890
No entries: 193
Started: 12:05:37.937
Ended: 12:05:39.859
Since the application i'm writing is a graphical one i don't want any hangings
Any ideas how i can trim the system or change the code to make it run faster