My pc is slow or as I type it goes inactive. Skips letters letters as I
type, I hit a key and nothing happens. I have run three virus checkers, with
supposed updates and can't find virus's also use yahoo anti spy all the
Question: how do I find what is slowing down my pc?
This is a long shot but it was the cause of similar keyboard
problems for a member on my computer club....
If you press and hold down a key, how fast does it repeat?
If you can get all of the keys to work by typing slower (*much*
slower, such as one or two seconds per keypress) and the keyboard
repeat rate is also very slow when a key is held down, then there
is a chance that someone turned on the "FilterKeys" option
in your accessibility settings. (It is designed to ignore
brief keystrokes so someone with cerebral palsy or some similar
disability can still type even if their fingers accidentally
bump the wrong keys on the way to the right ones.)
1. Click "Start" > "Settings" > "Accessibility Options"
2. Uncheck the "FilterKeys" option if it's turned on.
(If "FilterKeys" isn't turned on, then my long shot didn't pay off.)