SLOW oh so slow



Hi All,

I have a web site with back end, when I connect to the MS sql
2000 server via it takes a long time to connect to ms sql >25sec.

Addressed sql server via ip, full network name & computer name.

I have enabled pooling, watched the traffic via netmonitor and it has a
number of tds protocol item.

Security is via ad groups, and I have also tried direct user ids.

iis 6.0, Framework 2.0, vs 2003 sql server on seperate server if you need
further information please ask.

Thanks in advance.

Jeff Winn

The only reasons I can imagine why it would take that long to connect to SQL
server is due to the distance between your website and the server, or the
data server's processor is at 100% usage. If your web app is in New York,
and your data server is in India it's going to take a while. I work on the
east coast and our data server is on the west coast - so I totally
understand your frustration.

The closer your app and data servers are to each other the quicker your
response time will be. If your servers are in the same building and still
doing that, well, I have no idea what could cause that. Also, if you can't
get the data and app servers closer to each other and you haven't already
done this - start caching common data that doesn't change frequently in
memory within your app. That will help fix the issue since the application
won't have to query the server as often.


I agree, but in this case both servers are in the same data center which is
why I am so confused.

Jeff Winn

Have you tried connecting to the server from a source other than your site?
If you have the same issue connecting to the server with sql management
studio it might help narrow down the problem.


Got it working,

I had the ms ajax library removed from the servers and now all is well,
just the application runs in non aja mode but it is fast. Now all I got to
do is get it orking with AJAX.

Thanks for the help

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