Windows XP Slow Lookup

Sep 26, 2007
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Hello All,

I'm wondering if anyone can help me out with the code below. When i run it it takes very very long time to run. i would appreicate your help. The data size is very large (more than 50k rows and over 24 clos.)

Dim iRowPlan As Integer
Dim iRowLTable As Integer
Dim iLastRowPlan As Integer
Dim iLastRowTable As Integer
' Select the lookup table (LTABLE)Worksheet
Sub Vlkup()

iLastRowTable = Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlRows, xlPrevious).Row

' Select the worksheet containing the Plan(PLAN)
' Find the number of Planrecords and store it in iLastRow
iLastRowPlan = Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlRows, xlPrevious).Row

' Loop through the Plantable and compare each record with Plan in the lookup table
' If a match is found, change the Plantable with what is in the lookup table
For iRowPlan = 6 To iLastRowTable
For iRowLTable = 2 To iLastRowPlan
If Sheets("PLAN").Cells(iRowPlan, 1) = Sheets("LTABLE").Cells(iRowLTable, 1) _
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 1) = Sheets("LTABLE").Cells(iRowPlan, 2)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 2) = Sheets("LTABLE").Cells(iRowLTable, 3)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 3) = Sheets("LTABLE").Cells(iRowLTable, 4)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 4) = Sheets("LTABLE").Cells(iRowLTable, 5)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 5) = Sheets("LTABLE").Cells(iRowLTable, 6)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 6) = Sheets("LTABLE").Cells(iRowLTable, 7)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 7) = Sheets("LTABLE").Cells(iRowLTable, 8)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 8) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 11)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 9) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 12)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 10) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 13)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 11) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 14)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 12) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 15)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 13) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 16)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 14) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 12)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 15) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 13)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 16) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 14)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 17) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 15)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 18) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 16)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 19) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 17)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 20) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 18)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 21) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 19)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 23) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 20)
Sheets("EssPlan").Cells(iRowPlan, 24) = Sheets("Plan").Cells(iRowPlan, 21)
Exit For
End If
Next iRowLTable
Next iRowPlan
End Sub
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This is way beyond my excel knowledge unfortunately, you may need to try a forum specialising in excel to get a quick answer.