Slow iPhone 3G fix


Feb 23, 2002
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I've you've got an iPhone 3G and applied the new Apple iOS 4.0 or 4.01 update you may have notice that the phone slows to a crawl - taking a good few seconds to respond to input.

All is not lost and there is no need to roll back to iOS 3.x, as the new 4.1 firmware update appears to fix this issue:

I really like the iPhone, and I'll be sticking with my "old" 3G for some time to come - but this muckup has really made me think twice about buying an Apple phone again.
My daughter got an i-phone a few months back.

I haven't even looked at it.

And she pays three times what I pay for my mobile phone use every month.

There are some advantages to not being young - like not desiring an iPhone for instance... ;)
I never buy a phone until it's been out at least 6 to 12 months.
That way most of the gremlins have been soughted out!
My Nokia 6300 is nearly 3 years old & does the job i bought it for!!:D
I hardly use the camera, listen to music when very bored at work & surf the net only about once a week.:o
is that the same phone that don't work unless you buy the case for it?

£15/month for my iphone at the moment - that's with 5 hours of calls and unlimited internet :D. I really do make quite a lot of use of it - the GPS is invaluable, and the internet comes in handy quite often. :)

The phone has done me well for almost 2 years now, but the latest firmware upgrade caused no end of problems for users of the 3G version. It slowed it down to an almost unusable level after 2 years of working fine. Not long until the 4.1 firmware comes out and that will hopefully sort it - otherwise I'm back to using v3 and not buying anything from Apple.
muckshifter said:
is that the same phone that don't work unless you buy the case for it?

That's the iPhone 4 - an "upgraded" version :lol:. I'm sticking with my 3G version for quite a while yet :thumb:.

Apple really have shot themselves in the foot this past month in terms of problems!
oh, so that's two idiotphones that don't work then. :D

:lol: :lol: ... :wave: