Slow Internet


Derek Welty

I just got Charter Broadband internet and it is 3 mb/s. But periodically my
internet wont even load or is really slow. Also I am not able to use some
programs because they wont connect to the internet. Is this because of the
MacAfee firewall, or some added features that vista has to try to increase
the security? Thanks for the help


/Derek Welty/ said:
I just got Charter Broadband internet and it is 3 mb/s. But periodically my
internet wont even load or is really slow. Also I am not able to use some
programs because they wont connect to the internet. Is this because of the
MacAfee firewall, or some added features that vista has to try to increase
the security?

Perhaps, but likely not. Go here...

Run the test, and note weather RWIN is within the suggested range.

If not, click on the info link, or on the FAQ button above and read how
to adjust it for best broadband performance. The setting is different
for dial up.

Adam Albright

I just got Charter Broadband internet and it is 3 mb/s. But periodically my
internet wont even load or is really slow. Also I am not able to use some
programs because they wont connect to the internet. Is this because of the
MacAfee firewall, or some added features that vista has to try to increase
the security? Thanks for the help

If it is a firewall issue then the firewall should be popping up a
message and telling your such and such application tired to access the
Internet and seek your permission if or not you want to allow it. Once
you tell it, it should remember.

I don't know what you mean by your broadband won't load. If you have
broadband you are ALWAYS connected to the Internet... or are suppose
to be. Click on the double monitor icon at extreme lower right and
follow through the links and see if something is set up wrong.

If you're new to broadband couple things, if you access is from the
phone company then the further your are from what they call a
switching center or some such double talk the worse your speed will
be. If you access via cable then it matters how many people are on
each node. Some companies overload nodes, cost to much to break off
new ones, others don't.

Check them out here:

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