Slow Installer by Install Sield 3

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andre Martinez
  • Start date Start date

Andre Martinez


I work for a software company and we maintain an old desktop app, which uses
Install Shield 3 for installer. When MSAS is running and our product
installer is lunched, it is sooo sloooow that you can actually see each %
for the progress bar. As soon as you shut down MSAS progress bar flies.

Any solution for this one? What can we do to fix that (without upgrading
IS3)? Workaround?

I think you've found the workaround already.

I know of one installer-related bug that is known to the developers
already--that one stops the installer dead, though.

Microsoft reads the posts here--is there enough information in what you've
stated for them to replicate this issue in house, do you think?
ok, then the shut down MSAS must be done by all our users if the have MSAS.
We're recomending them not to install any beta software, like MSAS for
instance, anyway.

More information: the build process is a batch process that compiles all
dlls, idl exe's, the installer uses custom dialogs, and also the dialogs
from Install Shield 3. Main app is a VB6 app, with many dlls (most VB6 too,
some on VC++). Uses DAO to connect to Access 97 and OO4O for Oracle
connection. (OO4O are not included in installer)

More information: about the PC
2 Pentium 2.41 GHz CPUs
Windows XP Pro Version 2002 SP2
Office XP SP3
Enough HD free space
1 GB of RAM (650 MB free when try the install)
2 monitors
Some programs running:
Norton Antivirus 2004 running, ICQ, MSN 7.0, Post-it Notes Lite Version
3, winamp, and MSAS.

As soon as MSAS is shut down, installer runs smoothly.
