Hi Bob
Sorry for lack of data. My dial up is a analog k 56 connected to a DLink
My host computer has the internet connection and is shared via ICS bypassing
the router connection.
I understand that if I was using on the net 2 or 3 computers at the same
time it would be slow. However this problem occurred when only 1 computer
actually had activity. The host was on but not doing anything. If I connect
to the net independently it works fine. My connection speed runs about 50.
It is hard to supply any help since you didn't supply any data. For
starters, what kind of link does the router have to the net -- is it
a 2.5 Mb/s broadband cable, a 512 Kb/s DSL, or a 300 baud phone line?
Is the router the central point between all of your PCs and the link to
the net, or do you run ICS on some PC with the router in back of the
ICS host?
If you've never measured UL and DL datarates, I suggest that you create
a large file on your HD, then defrag your HD, then UL that file to your
personal space on your ISP's nearest server, then DL the server-copy
of that file to your HD. The file should be large enough to measure
the file transfer times with a watch (because transfer rates reported by
some software is bogus), then calculate the datarate; also, make sure
the transfer is done in binary mode, and do the tests while your PC is
running nearly stand-alone. Repeat the ULs and DLs a few times to make
sure your data is repeatable; you may find datarates are substantially
better at night, due to peak-loading.
With a 56 Kb/s modem, getting a 50 Kb/s connection means that you have a
very good phone line: not noisy, and a relatively short run to the central
office. But don't expect to UL or DL at 50 Kb/s, since there is protocol
overhead; and do expect to see UL datarates appreciably lower than DL rates.
I'm on thin ice here, but I'd be happy with a 3 KB/s UL rate and a 4 KB/s
DL rate on a 50 Kb/s connection. {Note that B = 8*b.}
The first thing I'd check is RWIN, since a small Receive Window can bite
the DL rate. Search the net for DrTCP.exe, since that app has a friendly
interface to display and update RWIN (and some other params).
Next, check the MSS and MTU params -- ask your ISP for their recommended
values, since the values at your end should match the values at theirs.