So anyway, after a very long wait, I finally went out and bought my
'new' (128mb AGP 8X GeForce 6600GT - running in a 4X AGP slot) graphics
card, and a new 450W Antec power supply that'd be able to support it.
So anyway, I've noticed that when playing games that I played before,
it is sometimes slower/laggier than it used to be with my onboard 32MB
graphics. The best example would be Red Alert 2, which lags much easier
than it used to, which just doesn't make sense to me.
I've even tried setting the visual details to 'low' (I used to have it
on high, and it ran fine) which used to be rocket fast, but now I still
get a tonne of lag.
I'm doing half of what I used to and it's just going slooowww. It might
not even by my graphics card, but if it is I can think of a few reasons
why this could happen (to main one being that it's not 'onboard') but
does anyone know of similar issues and/or how to fix them? Is it
something wrong in my BIOS?
And I know that all my drivers are up to date, so I doubt it's that...
Although, the other day when playing Far Cry, my nVidia driver crashed
and I got a bluescreen. Something I've never actually seen on this comp
until then.
Basically I've just ran out of ideas and don't know what to try.
Also, for anyone interested, I'm running:
2.53Ghz Intel Processor
128MB XFX gfx card
SiS chipset with AC'97 onboard audio
A 450W Antec PSU
'new' (128mb AGP 8X GeForce 6600GT - running in a 4X AGP slot) graphics
card, and a new 450W Antec power supply that'd be able to support it.
So anyway, I've noticed that when playing games that I played before,
it is sometimes slower/laggier than it used to be with my onboard 32MB
graphics. The best example would be Red Alert 2, which lags much easier
than it used to, which just doesn't make sense to me.
I've even tried setting the visual details to 'low' (I used to have it
on high, and it ran fine) which used to be rocket fast, but now I still
get a tonne of lag.
I'm doing half of what I used to and it's just going slooowww. It might
not even by my graphics card, but if it is I can think of a few reasons
why this could happen (to main one being that it's not 'onboard') but
does anyone know of similar issues and/or how to fix them? Is it
something wrong in my BIOS?
And I know that all my drivers are up to date, so I doubt it's that...
Although, the other day when playing Far Cry, my nVidia driver crashed
and I got a bluescreen. Something I've never actually seen on this comp
until then.
Basically I've just ran out of ideas and don't know what to try.
Also, for anyone interested, I'm running:
2.53Ghz Intel Processor
128MB XFX gfx card
SiS chipset with AC'97 onboard audio
A 450W Antec PSU