Slow e-mail



Often, when I move from e-mail to e-mail in my reading pane in Outlook 2003,
it takes a long, long time to open or view the next message. Sometimes I
have to click on it a dozen times before it even acknowledges that I've moved
to the next message. Essentially, it's then frozen until it finally opens.
It always happens if there's an attachment, but sometimes it happens for no
discernable reason.


Good questions.

I'm using a new Z60t thinkpad and I've had this problem for as long as I've
had the system. Can't remember the RAM, but I think it was 512. I use
Norton, but I shut off the e-mail scan thinking that was part of the problem.
Outlook is the only application that gives me any trouble. I have an added
problem of hyperlinks taking a very long time to open as well, also from

You didn't ask, but I'm using Windows XP, in case that helps. I'm not
overloaded with e-mail, especially since I only got the computer in mid April
and it's happened since I first opened Outlook and had only 1 e-mail.

I hope that information helps solve this. It's making me crazy.

Brian Tillman

-Peg said:
I'm using a new Z60t thinkpad and I've had this problem for as long
as I've had the system. Can't remember the RAM, but I think it was
512. I use Norton, but I shut off the e-mail scan thinking that was
part of the problem. Outlook is the only application that gives me
any trouble. I have an added problem of hyperlinks taking a very
long time to open as well, also from Outlook.

In addition to Ben's suggestion, you should try a new mail profile.

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