Slow downs and lockups with large file

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I just completed my first movie slide show with 200 jpeg images with sound.
Movie Maker was slow and non responsive when changes were made but I finally
made it.

I am now making another with 1200 jpeg images and it is impossible to work
with with the minutes between responding to changes and lockups. It takes
nearly 30 minutes to load a project. I have a high end system.

Is there any suggestions from someone who has done this or should I use a
different program.
Baseball said:
I just completed my first movie slide show with 200 jpeg
images with sound. Movie Maker was slow and non
responsive when changes were made but I finally made it.

I am now making another with 1200 jpeg images and it is
impossible to work with with the minutes between
responding to changes and lockups. It takes nearly 30
minutes to load a project. I have a high end system.

Is there any suggestions from someone who has done this
or should I use a different program.
Even on a fast system it may help to
close all programs before opening
Movie Maker...and more RAM can
help as can increasing the size of
your Virtual Memory Paging File:

(308417) HOW TO: Set Performance Options
in Windows XP

PhotoStory 3 might be worth a try when
using still images but it has a limit of
300 could
create several PhotoStorys and use
Movie Maker to combine them.

PhotoStory 3 For Windows

If you are importing full sized images
from a high resolution camera it may be
worth a try to resize the images before
importing. Adding lots of transitions and
effects can slow things down also.

It's possible that doing some maintenance
could help but a slide show with 1200
images will drain lots of resources on any

Running Disk Cleanup, Error Checking and
Defrag on a regular schedule is a good idea.

(310312) Description of the Disk Cleanup
Tool in Windows XP

(315265) How to Perform Disk Error Checking
in Windows XP
(check the two boxes..."Automatically fix file
system errors" and "Scan for and attempt
recovery of bad sectors") the utility will run
the next time you restart your computer.
(run error checking repeatedly until it finds
no errors)

(314848) How to Defragment Your Disk
Drive Volumes in Windows XP


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP

Please understand...this is not tech support.
We are simply volunteers who attempt to assist
folks who are having problems. What works for
us may not work for anyone else...

Good luck in solving your problem.

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs

Making Good Newsgroup Posts
As one who has struggled with this program for 18 months, and only working
with file of 95 images, you (obviously) are overtaxing the program. Not your
machine, its the work the program has to do if you have done any research on
these boards. AND the MVP's have failed to advise you of your rights, that
WMM was designed for primarily video not static slides tho it can work there.
They almost always refer one to another program designed for slides.
AND IMHO you still will be overtaxing it. This is for hobbiests, not a
commercial sized show.
Likewise you have limited your audiences' viewing habits, by requiring them
to watch a megamovie of stills??? Least U can do for yourself and viewers is
provide the program in chapters of say 150....
Rotsa Ruck
We all need it with this buggger of a program.

While Larry doesn't generally say things nicely (AND the MVP's have failed
to advise you of your rights?) I have to agree with him at least about using
WMM to create a slideshow of 1200 JPG's. That is a rather large task and not
really one that is suited for Movie Maker.
The other program designed for slides he is referring to would be Photo
Story 3 and that program, also free from Microsoft, will handle the job
I still recommend doing it in pieces however simply for ease of use if
nothing else. Do 6 videos of 200 slides, or something to that effect, and
import the WMV's that Photo Story creates into Movie Maker to combine them
into one slideshow.
Yeas, Guilty here it seems..... What basically happens is I see so MANY
poor devils with similar problems and some almost remind me of Munchs'
picture "The Scream" the frustration quickly moves my question/concern from a
6 to a 9.9.......


AS a PS, I just leareed what a PGU or somesuch is, that acronym that will
allow a DVDplayer to play certain kinds of DVD' I didnt remember it,
the box is checked, thats all I needa do. And that particular DVD worked OK
now.... {I think}....