Slow Down Speed in Custom Animation

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joan
  • Start date Start date



There is text on a slide where I want the audience to read
the text on the screen. I used Custom Animation with the
UP motion path and put the speed to Very Slow. It is still
too fast to read when I play the slide show.

Is there a way to make slow it down even further.

Thank you, Joan
Not sure what you mean by UP but as far as I know you can adjust the speed
by putting in a number yourself. In the taskpane double click your
animation, choose the timing tab, when you choose very slow in the list next
to speed that gives you 5 sec, just put in another number and PPT will put
seconds after it. Thus you can make it very slow of very fast whichever you
Hope I understood you correctly otherwise someone else will jump in.