I just installed Norton Internet Security 2004 on a 2 yr old computer
as follows:
Win 98 ME, AMD Athlon 1300 processor, 384 RAM, 10 GB HD with 7 GB
Free. System performance before signing on the the internet(with
Norton disabled) is 82%.
After, online with AOL 8.0 it is 52%(with Norton on).
Befor installing Norton, I could go from pushing the power on button
to getting on the Internet in 1:30 min. Now it takes 5 - 7 min and
sometimes it locks up and I have to start over. I have scanned for
viruses and have none. I start with Norton enabled and with all the
features on(ad blocking, anti-spam, etc).
I then went to options and turned off auto start to manual. That
helped but the web surfing is still slow.
Why does Norton slow my computer down so much? Is that just the way
it is?
Can I do anything to speed up the process?
Are there links that describe any problems with Norton or these
similar problems?
I heard that Win 98 cannot use more than 384 MB Ram. Does anyone know
how I can verify that? I was thinking of adding more Ram to help the
I recently replaced 128 Ram with 256 Ram. Could bad Ram cause the
above symptoms? (if the newly installed Ram was bad, I would only have
128 MB) Is there any way to test Ram on the computer, or do you have
to take it to a service that dow this?
Should I go to AOL 9.0 (which I hear has everything already built in)
to make my computer work better?
Thanks for your help, Rick
as follows:
Win 98 ME, AMD Athlon 1300 processor, 384 RAM, 10 GB HD with 7 GB
Free. System performance before signing on the the internet(with
Norton disabled) is 82%.
After, online with AOL 8.0 it is 52%(with Norton on).
Befor installing Norton, I could go from pushing the power on button
to getting on the Internet in 1:30 min. Now it takes 5 - 7 min and
sometimes it locks up and I have to start over. I have scanned for
viruses and have none. I start with Norton enabled and with all the
features on(ad blocking, anti-spam, etc).
I then went to options and turned off auto start to manual. That
helped but the web surfing is still slow.
Why does Norton slow my computer down so much? Is that just the way
it is?
Can I do anything to speed up the process?
Are there links that describe any problems with Norton or these
similar problems?
I heard that Win 98 cannot use more than 384 MB Ram. Does anyone know
how I can verify that? I was thinking of adding more Ram to help the
I recently replaced 128 Ram with 256 Ram. Could bad Ram cause the
above symptoms? (if the newly installed Ram was bad, I would only have
128 MB) Is there any way to test Ram on the computer, or do you have
to take it to a service that dow this?
Should I go to AOL 9.0 (which I hear has everything already built in)
to make my computer work better?
Thanks for your help, Rick