Slow browser

  • Thread starter Thread starter JD
  • Start date Start date


My internet speed has suddenly slowed so that I have
difficulty in accessing many sites which time out.

Also, my printer has acquired a mind of its own and prints
pages without any command; it printed twenty blank pages
on its own yesterday. I tried norton antivirus full system
scan, no viruses were detected. Any suggestions? Please

Have you cleared your temporary internet files? This can
lag your browsing. I personally like third-party cookie
cleaners. They tend to clean more information, and allow
me to choose cookies I want to keep. (like all the cookies
for my auto logins)

Have you updated your virus scan lately? New ones are
coming up all the time.

Have you run defrag on your system lately? A fragmented
hard drive can cause your system all sorts of speed

As for the printer, Im not sure what it could be, or if it
is related to the browsing speed.
--How old is the printer? Is it connected properly? Is
it on a surge protector? Is it installed properly? And
my personal favorite that I ran into alot... Do insects
frequent your home? Those buggers do like electronics.

Try looking at hardware specific problems, then move on to
hardware/software interface problems.
This is going to read real silly.
When my internet access started getting slow one day I
noticed the J45 connector was not plugged in completely.
Pushed it in and internet was faster.
Don't ask me why.