Slow ASP.NET Response!


Vito DeCarlo

I've been having this problem for a few weeks. PLEASE read this post before
responding with some simple reason that has nothing to do with my problem.
If you need more information, please request it as I'll be checking this
post very often.

Occaisionally, our web server begins running ASP.NET pages extremely slowly.
Other websites on the server run fine, including ASP pages. It almost seems
as if the .NET caching system ceases to operate. Pages take several seconds
(3-10) before being sent to the user. Even the simplest of pages with no
programming or database connections (but still have an empty code-behind
page) are extemely slow.

This is NOT a case of the server normally compiling the page so please do
not offer that as a problem. The server could very well be compiling the
page, but it is not the normal case of it being compiled the first time and
"it should run find after you compile them". Remeber, this is happening to
EVERY ASP.NET website on the server.

The server is just being used as a web server and nothing else. The Domain
Controller is on another machine, as well as our database server. There is
also no anti-virus program running on the machine as I have uninstalled it
due to someone's thought that it could have been causing problems.

I can temporarily correct the slowdown issue by restarting IIS. Once I
issue the 'iisreset' command, the server seems to run fine for a random
amount of time. Sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes a full day. By running
fine, I mean that pages are instantly offered to the client - the way they
have for the past year and a half that I've been running .NET on our server.

I seriously hope that someone can offer some questions or answers that may
allow to get to the bottom of this. I've also seen a few others who have
posted similar problems but they have not found fixes as of yet.

Vito DeCarlo

Scott M.

Sounds like you have a memory leak in one of your pages somewhere.

ASP.NET natively reduces the possibility of such a thing but do you have any
ASP.NET pages that invoke any COM objects? If so, you may be "leaking"
there by not cleaning them up properly.

Vito DeCarlo

No, no COM objects that I can think of. All of the code I've written uses
the class libraries in .NET, that's it.

The CPU is never going over 15% in total usage.

The "Available Memory" is never going under 400MB out of a total 768MB of

I've shut down and restarted the major websites on the server with no
success, but when I issue the "IISRESET" command, everything goes back to

Today, everything was running beautifully since I made the original post
(over 12 hours). It just happened again about 30 minutes ago. I looked at
dozens and dozens of items in the Performance Monitor but couldn't find
anything that didn't look right (not that I know exactly what to look for to
solve this issue).

Any other suggestions??

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