Is it me?
Or do Windows Forms run as slow as molasses?
I launch a child form from a parent and it takes ages to appear?
Why ?!?!
It depends on what you are doing in that loding phase of the form.
Only the first time, the loading is slow since the IL is compiled into
machine code on the fly the first time you use that part of the code. But
once loaded it should run near c++ speed, tests here suggests 5% slower on
Unlike C++ unmanaged code (aka conventional exe code), the code is not
compiled and optimized at compile time at the developrs PC, but at the CLR
on the users machine, optimizing it for that machine. In theory in tim you
same program wil actually run faster when new versions of the .NET framework
gets distributed. No need of recompiling the source code.
One very nice side-effect in this is that you can create a neutral .NET
program, that will run as pure 32 bit when you run it on a 32 bit machine
and pure 64 bit on a 64 bit machine.Only one distributable exist in this
case. (see upcoming Visual Studio 2005 for this)