Sloppy Red Titles

  • Thread starter Thread starter CaptainHook
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I am an experienced user of MM2 having studied and
discovered most of its secrets. However, recently I
discovered something curious. When I use red color titles
they come out purely rendered after movie is saved to
disk. Same poor result for both wvm or dv-pal output.
Other colors (like yellow, blue or green) come out
perfect. Any redish variation produces titles with jagged
vertical lines and square dark pixels.

My system is a powerful one: intel P4 at 3.06 GHz, FX-
5900 card, 512 RAM, 2 HDs of total 320 GB storage. Latest
directX and 53.03 nvidia drivers. All sound and music
codecs done. Windows xp pro updated.

Anybody knows anything about the mystery of the redish

Please notice that red titles look great within mm2
environment, the problem only appears after project is
saved to hard disk.
I agree, although it doesn't seem restricted to just when
saved to disk. I did quite a few titles using the Paint
Drip title style, with red text on a blue background.
Looked great in editing and on timeline. Output this to
tape (PAL, via Sony TRV30 camera) and it was really
disappointing, the red test colour was all washed out (the
blue background was fine). I had assumed it was caused by
the using the Paint Drip effect but now it seems more
general. I too would definitely appreciate some advice on
this, as it seriously spoilt an otherwise great movie
(Concorde's last flights - I had chosed red white and blue
as being appropriate!).
Just a suggestion, but could this be anything to do with the fact that DV
compression throws away a lot of colour information? AIUI green is the
strongest colour retained during the compression process, which would
suggest that red and blue are not (which is why green, not blue, screen is
used for chromakeying in digital video).

During preview, your project has not been rendered so would not suffer the
post-rendering problems.


I am the poster of the original message. It's good that
some other users have noticed the red color problem for
titles. I did some more tests with mm2 writing colored
titles over a variety of backrounds. Then rendered the
project to DV-AVI (PAL).
I found out that, no matter what background you use,
(still, animation, or just an emtly white box) red titles
render very poor. Yellow and Green titles come out just
fine, while blue is ok (a smaller degradation). All
redish titles, from orange to purple show same jaggy

If this is a limitation of the DV-AVI compression process
then it's a big dissapointment for all of us. I hope that
Microsoft will come out with some update of mm2 to
correct the red color titling problem. Unless some fellow
out there discovers a remedy to the problem. Red titles
are very impressive indeed and being unable to use them
would be a serious limitation to the otherwise superb mm2

Please post your experience here...

Well, you're absolutely right, red titles when published to DV-AVI have a
bunch of "jaggies". As another poster claimed it looks like it's some
artifact of the way our DV encoder is treating the color red (as I'm sure
you've found, if you publish to WMV the font looks fine).

I've made sure that we have this scenario tested for the next version of
MovieMaker so we can hopefully do a better job there. In the meantime I'll
try to track it down with one of our DV encoder folks so at we at least know
what's going on. Unfortunatlely this doesn't help you with red fonts in
DV-AVI today, but I just wanted to let you know that we are aware of the
problem now.

Thanks for raising the issue
Dean Rowe
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