Slightly Batty Cable Modem

Sep 17, 2005
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I will soon be networking between 3 computers, and I would like to move this modem to a better computer once I get round to setting everything up.

However I have doubts about my modem. It is a standard one given about 3/4 years ago by NTL when I first got broadband, but it gets very hot and has the annoying habit of dieing for no reason recently. Its not critical, and I don't mind that much, but I think I will get another so everything is shiny and new.

But the NTL installation disk requires I use this modem, or it won't install. I remember when I replaced the hard drive a while back I couldn't get an ip until I had installed using the disk :(

If I get another modem, this will surely mean I cannot install the net. Will NTL give me a new modem if I ring them or something? Is there any way I can bypass the disk?
I would think that NTL may well give you a new modem if you explain the reasons for wanting a replacement.
After all you are a long standing customer, in the world of isp's 3 or 4 years is a long time! Give them a ring and find out:thumb:
Only a long standing customer because I'm too lazy to switch :p

Its just I could probably get a better quality modem elsewhere, and I hate their rubbish software.
Well yes they do often give you crap modems, mine is rank. But may be they have got better. The thing with having one of their's is, if it goes wrong or you have trouble with it they replace it free of charge. See what they offer you?
Yeah I'll give them a ring later

Its a bugger being there for so long, as I have no idea what any of my details were, like username, secret words or whatever, which makes customer supports a nightmare. I'm thinking of just jacking in this account and signing up again as a new customer.

I really want to go telewest but they aren't cabled in this area :(

How come I am getting 2MB for £25, but if I sign up as a new customer they give 4MB for £25?

thats nice isnt it?
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Ask if you can have a free upgrade!

Well i'm on 2MB @ £17.99 with Virgin, new customers get up to 8MB for the same price. So i contacted them to see if i could get a free upgrade, i can but it's a slow process. Did email them and said why was it so slow to be upgraded, been contacted 3 or 4 times by customer services and told it's on going!

So the last email from them say's by the end of the weekend i should be on up to 8MB, i live in hope;)
PotGuy said:
But the NTL installation disk requires I use this modem, or it won't install. I remember when I replaced the hard drive a while back I couldn't get an ip until I had installed using the disk :(

If I get another modem, this will surely mean I cannot install the net. Will NTL give me a new modem if I ring them or something? Is there any way I can bypass the disk?
I'm with Telewest, and have never used their installation disk or software - I just plug the modem in the PC and let Windows autodetect the settings (you may have to re-boot the modem) - the same should be possible with NTL as the system is the same.

Are you connecting to the PC via USB or ethernet?
It wont work unless I install with the disk. Windows detects it but there is no signal until i have installed with the disk. On the installation you have to tick which one of the ntl propriatory modems you have.

Its a USB modem.

As it is older it may be a different system?

Oh and this IS their upgrade. They upgraded people on 612k to 2mb a couple of months back. I doubt they would upgrade from 2-4 now.
PotGuy said:
Its a USB modem.
Thats your first problem - ask NTL to replace your old 'dieing' modem for a ethernet connecting modem, you will also need one in the future if you want to use a router of some kind :thumb:

This is assuming you have a LAN connection on your PC that is....

Edit: Just remembered your earlier thread - is this info still relevant?
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I to have the old NTL modem (rather large silver grey model capable of frying eggs under the slightest of loads) which works well with my linsys wireless router, on the subject of upgrades... i was subscribed to the 2mb service@£24.99 p/m but if you check out the ntl site it tells you that all customers on 2mb will receive an automatic upgrade to your service by the end of June. if you've not had it yet try rebooting your modem, it worked for me.
Wow well remembered Ady, forgot I posted that :o. Yeah that is all still relevant. Funny how I have managed to procrastonate getting everything done for 7 months :p

I would be much happier with an ethernet modem. From what everyone said in that thread, and from what I already thought, ethernet is better. I wold imagine that NTL would now provide an ethernet modem, considering the surge in wireless networking and stuff.

My modem at the moment refuses to work unless I install their rubbish software. Do you that the new ones won't? Or could it be to do with it being usb?

Moriati, I think the upgrade to 4mb was only for people that were already on 2mb, like you were. I was only on 612k, so my upgrade was to 2mb, which I duly recieved in June. Its a bit of a bugger really.
PotGuy said:
My modem at the moment refuses to work unless I install their rubbish software. Do you that the new ones won't? Or could it be to do with it being usb?
Could be - you should not have to use their software at all with an ethernet connection :thumb:
That settles it then. im going to FINALLY build the goddamned pc on monday, I will then cancel my ntl account, and then start another one, fresh and new, with an ethernet modem, on a shiny new network, with 4mb.

Im with NTL and i phoned up to see if i can reduce my costs and got 4mb broadband for £12.50 for 6 months.