I would like to use the slider as sort of a marker for
if you are working on a sheet and go to toolbar-visual
basic-and select the button that brings up the other
selections(not the standard buttons-this button gives you
a lot more choices), one of them is a slider. This slider
has tick marks (10) and my goal is to use it(slider) as a
countdown. I would put a due date in a cell and based off
this due date, the slider would act as a countdown until
the due date is present. So in a since this would be a
calculation code(dates) of Due Date - 10days, Due Date - 9
days, Now - 8 days, etc.... with each tick mark
representing a calc between the previous.) I have looked
but have not found code related to the slider and I was
wondering how to do this or if there is was some code out
there that I could use as an example.
thank you
: > dates. It has ten ticks on the slider and I would use the ticks as
: > days. Has anybody everybody ever developed code for a
: slider or does
: > anybody know where I can view some example code?
if you are working on a sheet and go to toolbar-visual
basic-and select the button that brings up the other
selections(not the standard buttons-this button gives you
a lot more choices), one of them is a slider. This slider
has tick marks (10) and my goal is to use it(slider) as a
countdown. I would put a due date in a cell and based off
this due date, the slider would act as a countdown until
the due date is present. So in a since this would be a
calculation code(dates) of Due Date - 10days, Due Date - 9
days, Now - 8 days, etc.... with each tick mark
representing a calc between the previous.) I have looked
but have not found code related to the slider and I was
wondering how to do this or if there is was some code out
there that I could use as an example.
thank you