Slide-to-slide transitions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dr. Dos
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Dr. Dos

In Animation slide transition speed, no matter what speed I
select, the change is a quick straight cut, not a dissolve
through. (by dissolve I mean a steady fade out covered over
by a steady fade in).
How can I accomplish this?
Dr. Dos,

I assume you're using the "Fade Smoothly" slide transition? Even at Slow
speed, the transition is not equivalent to a true video "dissolve."

First - make sure you're seeing animations: select Slide Show > Set Up Show
and ensure that the box is NOT checked for Show without Animation.

One way to accomplish a slower transition: copy everything from the first
slide (group objects or take a screen capture), paste behind everything on
second slide and then apply a Fade Entrance in Custom Animation to bring in
the new objects. You can adjust the timing as much as you'd like to create a
much smoother-looking animation (10 seconds? Whatever works for your

Of course, this is impractical if the content will be edited often - as
you'll have to update everything on subsequent slides.

Works beautifully with full frame images.

Let me know if this info was helpful.

Julie Terberg
Terberg Design
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Julie said:
Dr. Dos,

I assume you're using the "Fade Smoothly" slide transition? Even at Slow
speed, the transition is not equivalent to a true video "dissolve."

First - make sure you're seeing animations: select Slide Show > Set Up Show
and ensure that the box is NOT checked for Show without Animation.

One way to accomplish a slower transition: copy everything from the first
slide (group objects or take a screen capture), paste behind everything on
second slide and then apply a Fade Entrance in Custom Animation to bring in
the new objects. You can adjust the timing as much as you'd like to create a
much smoother-looking animation (10 seconds? Whatever works for your

Of course, this is impractical if the content will be edited often - as
you'll have to update everything on subsequent slides.

Works beautifully with full frame images.

Let me know if this info was helpful.

Julie Terberg
Terberg Design
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP

Thanks for the assistance.
I will do some testing in animations transition choosing the
icon corresponding to fade smoothly and see what happens.
The second solution is not practical for the number of
frames I have in this show, but is a great suggestion on how
to do some frame-x-frame animation for non-flicker
movements, such as a rolling ball, or a build.
I will report back.
Dr. Dos said:
Thanks for the assistance.
I will do some testing in animations transition choosing the icon
corresponding to fade smoothly and see what happens. The second solution
is not practical for the number of frames I have in this show, but is a
great suggestion on how to do some frame-x-frame animation for
non-flicker movements, such as a rolling ball, or a build.
I will report back.

Yes. This exactly what I wanted. It works as desired. Thank
you. Did you know that "fade smoothly" is NOT a search term
in the help search function?
Glad to hear that Fade Smoothly is working for you. I'm not surprised about
the Help search... it's lacking much more info than this.

Best wishes.
Dr. Dos said:
Yes. This exactly what I wanted. It works as desired. Thank you. Did you
know that "fade smoothly" is NOT a search term in the help search

What information would you like to find when you search for "fade smoothly"?
We may be able to get that fixed eventually if we know what type of
information you're after....
Echo said:
What information would you like to find when you search for "fade
smoothly"? We may be able to get that fixed eventually if we know what
type of information you're after....
I thank you for the interest and I'm surprised that a MS PPT
MVP is not familiar with the sorry state of the help function.
Here's the story.

Julie suggested that I choose "fade smoothly" as the slide
transition. I am not familiar with PPT, so I did not know
which tool bar to use to find it. I "flipped through" the
PPT2007 menu bar/etc tabs and saw no words saying "fade
smoothly." So I clicked on help and typed in the term "fade
The return was:
Searched for: ""fade smoothly""

No results were found matching ""fade smoothly"".
Then I removed the quotes and got a useless return:

Searched for: "fade smoothly"
Results 1-3 of 3
Page: [1] Next

What's new in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
Help > What's new
Animate your SmartArt graphic
Help > Working with graphics and charts > Adding charts,
diagrams, or tables

Learn more about SmartArt graphics
Help > Working with graphics and charts > Adding charts,
diagrams, or tables

Results 1-3 of 3

I googled and got directions for PPT2 and PPT 2003.
I finally stumbled onto it myself under "animation"
"transition this slide" and when I passed the cursor over
the various screen combinations, the tool tip read "FADE
SMOOTHLY under #2. A Eureka moment.

I wonder how a term used and built into PPT 2007 is not
found in help for PPT 2007?
And, slightly off the subject, there are an the insane
number of entries for some help question items without even
a suggestion of how locate the correct toolbar AND, how come
a question about a PowerPoint function will in some
instances return a help answer for Excel or Word? In other
words, the help function is poor and unhelpful. I gave up on
help and bought PowerPoint for Dummies, which for the most
part answers questions (I happen to be on the road without
the book, hence my trying the "onboard" help and then
turning to the ever resourceful MS PPT NG.

Again, thanks for your interest. Does that clear things up?
Echo said:
What information would you like to find when you search for "fade
smoothly"? We may be able to get that fixed eventually if we know what
type of information you're after....
A second answer:
When I search help for "fade smoothly" I want:
To know where it is on the toolbars and how to get there
To know what it does in ten words or less and not an easy on
the joys of fading smoothly
To know how to use it. (steps one, two three)
I want it all in one place/article

More broadly: when I search help for a term or function used
by/in PowerPoint, I want the term found.
Dr. Dos said:
A second answer:
When I search help for "fade smoothly" I want:
To know where it is on the toolbars and how to get there
To know what it does in ten words or less and not an easy on the joys of
fading smoothly
To know how to use it. (steps one, two three)
I want it all in one place/article

More broadly: when I search help for a term or function used by/in
PowerPoint, I want the term found.

Thank you, this helps.
Dr. Dos said:
I thank you for the interest and I'm surprised that a MS PPT MVP is not
familiar with the sorry state of the help function.


I'm aware of the problems with Help. What I asked is what you'd like to find
when you search for a particular term.

I'll make sure to forward your other comments along.
A second answer:
When I search help for "fade smoothly" I want:
To know where it is on the toolbars and how to get there
To know what it does in ten words or less and not an easy on
the joys of fading smoothly
To know how to use it. (steps one, two three)
I want it all in one place/article

Extra points for the most succinct description of "Good Help" I've yet seen.