That's why I just shut off the taskbar sliding. Don't know how?
Go to start, right click on Computer. Click properties. In the left pane,
go to advanced system settings. (You'll probably get a UAC warning if you
have it turned on.) It should take you straight to the advanced tab. Click
'Settings...' under Performance. Uncheck 'slide taskbar buttons'.
Actually, I have several things disabled in mine (that I did myself) to
improve performance a bit. If window animations are slow for you, uncheck
'Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing'. (If you have Aero Glass
running, this will disable the animations when opening and closing windows,
as well as minimizing and restoring.)
What I have unchecked on my computer:
Fade or slide menus into view. (The reason why was because most of the
menus did not fade or animate anyway.)
Fade out menu items after clicking. (Same reason.)
Show translucent selection rectangle. (It's still transparent after
Slide taskbar buttons. (Sliding when opening and closing programs is very
Smooth-scroll list boxes
Use a background image for each folder type. (Don't see this that much in
Vista, anyway.)
Is dragging windows with Aero Glass slow? Try unchecking window contents
while dragging. (The problem is, you don't see even a frame move or
anything when you drag.)