-----Original Message-----
You may be interested in this excerpt from a book that
Julie Terberg and I have written specically for healthacre
staff, but this may help explain this to you:
PowerPoint defaults to a resolution of 720 x 540
(approximately the same as digital video). In PowerPoint,
select File>Page Setup and you'll see the page is set to
10" wide by 7.5" (25.4cm x 19.05cm.) The problem with
this dimension is that PowerPoint will scale your
presentation visuals either up or down, depending on your
current Display Setting. (The settings of your monitor)
So how do you fix this? Using 1024 x 768 for this
example, divide each dimension by 72 ppi (pixels per inch,
screen resolution.) 1024 divided by 72 = 14.22"
(36.19cm). Enter this for Page width. 768 divided by 72
= 10.66" (27.08cm). Enter this for Page height. Your
PowerPoint file is now perfectly set for a 1024 x 768
[Note: You can save these settings, and every time you
open PowerPoint, the blank template will already be
formatted for your display. Select File-Save As¬, choose
Design Template as the file type, and type "Blank" as the
filename (the .pot extension will be added automatically.
Try it out: select File>Close, then File>New,
choose "Blank" as the template. Select File>Page Setup,
and note that your page setup has been updated.]
Why should you change the Page Setup? If you don't resize
for your target display, nothing you drop into PowerPoint
will be to the exact scale. When sizing images for
presentation purposes, your dimensions should not exceed
the display settings - ie the projector.
Hope this helps
-----Original Message-----
Is there a way to determine the size of an individual
slide in a PowerPoint presentation?
I am on a computer running Windows 2000, and PowerPoint
from Office 2000.