I have made a presentation of about 75 slides which i have put on a CD and on
my desk top it works well but when i play it on my laptop the RAM is not man
enough to keep the slides in time with the music. I must admit the slides are
of a high quality taken with my top of the range Canon digital camera. I
would like to make a CD using the same slides but downgrading their quality
and therefore their file size. Is there a quick way to do this without having
to copy each slide into a new folder and then downgrade them one at a time?
my desk top it works well but when i play it on my laptop the RAM is not man
enough to keep the slides in time with the music. I must admit the slides are
of a high quality taken with my top of the range Canon digital camera. I
would like to make a CD using the same slides but downgrading their quality
and therefore their file size. Is there a quick way to do this without having
to copy each slide into a new folder and then downgrade them one at a time?