CR Optiker
I generated a slideshow of about 60 slides, and made two versions...one
with a WAV sound file for background sound and one without sound. All
slides had multiple images and minimal text. The filesize without sound was
about 37 MB and with was 87 MB. Slide transition times were variable among
slides, but all wth a "dissolve" transition.
On the P2/300 Win98 computer used to generate the slideshow, with 384 MB
RAM, both shows run perfectly. On at least two other computers, one a
P4/1800 MH Win2000Pro with 1 GB RAM, the show without sound runs fine, but
with sound, the sound plays, but the show remains on slide #1 without
changing. I tried this both running from the CD on which the files were
burned, and after copying the files to the system HD.
The second problem is that on the Win2000Pro computer mentioned above
(uncertain on the other), when loaded, the first slide flashes as if it
turns on and off for each slide in the show, and if any change is made,
like scrolling to the next slide (possible anything requiring a screen
redraw), it does that flashing process - takes maybe 5-10 seconds to flash
through all 60 slides when this happens. But, the slide show plays OK
except the oen with sound as mentioned above.
Any suggestions?
with a WAV sound file for background sound and one without sound. All
slides had multiple images and minimal text. The filesize without sound was
about 37 MB and with was 87 MB. Slide transition times were variable among
slides, but all wth a "dissolve" transition.
On the P2/300 Win98 computer used to generate the slideshow, with 384 MB
RAM, both shows run perfectly. On at least two other computers, one a
P4/1800 MH Win2000Pro with 1 GB RAM, the show without sound runs fine, but
with sound, the sound plays, but the show remains on slide #1 without
changing. I tried this both running from the CD on which the files were
burned, and after copying the files to the system HD.
The second problem is that on the Win2000Pro computer mentioned above
(uncertain on the other), when loaded, the first slide flashes as if it
turns on and off for each slide in the show, and if any change is made,
like scrolling to the next slide (possible anything requiring a screen
redraw), it does that flashing process - takes maybe 5-10 seconds to flash
through all 60 slides when this happens. But, the slide show plays OK
except the oen with sound as mentioned above.
Any suggestions?