Slide Show w/ Voice Over

  • Thread starter Thread starter Todd
  • Start date Start date



I'd like to prepare a lecture consisting of 40-50 slides timed to
appear, disppear, and zoom in and out in synch with my voice-over to
distribute to students on a DVD.

I'm computer literate, but have never done this before. Can I do this
relatively easily with, say, Microsoft Moviemaker and/or Photo Story
3. Or do you recommend getting something else?

Also, maye you can tell me the best way to make and merge the voice
over with the slides?

Thanks very much in advance for the advice
I just wanted to say that I downloaded Photo Story 3, and that seems
to do just what I wanted it to fairly intuitively. The only thing I
haven't figured out is how to lower the volume of the background music
and narrate over it. So any help on that would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Todd

As you have already figured out PS3 is most definitely the way to go for
what your trying to accomplish. With PS3 you have far better control of
timing plus how and when the video pans and zooms.

As far as volume goes that's an easy one. Click next until you get to the
background music page. Select or create your music (PS3 creates some really
good background music) and then adjust the volume lower.
Then click Back until you get back to your narration page to do the
narrating. After that adjust your timing to match as you need.