slide show IMAGE QUALITY hints

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My project includes many old family photos, scanned with an Epson scanner
bout 3 yrs old. Quality is sort of all over the place. Part of the problem
is editing, done both early and layer in the project, changing size, etc.

How bout a understandable yet thorough setup for dealing with this? Text
notes on the photos too, varies too much, sometimes good on a TV, othertimes
poor, same with on computer!!!!!!!

Larry in Mich
Are you saving as DV-AVI or High Quality NTSC?
DV-AVI tends to cause image problems when you are working with only stills
and audio.
Also you've been here long enough that you've read us recommend Photo Story
3 many times for such projects, have you tried it?
The shows are DVAVI.... I may have used NTSC also, but since its AVI I
see/hear constantly here thats a pre programmed key word. Photo Story?
Picture Show? My Family Album?
I stumbled onto the WMM and was pleased that it would do slides. Hence I
stayed with it, having found its only difficulty was the X's in when one
tried to move their images .
While many others may have the patience and time to deal with 'tried', I
have not the patience, interest, or time to do so- having been here my three
score and ten, plus. If the MS gods have deemed to put the ability to do a
Slide show in WMM, who am EYE to refute their megajudgement?
I read computer mags for reviews, but dont plan to be a reviewer....

Thanks for the feedback, I believe the problem moreso lies in original image
quality, settings for scanner and/or within my 'graphics' program.
But felt others may want some hints also......

Yes you do see/hear us recommending AVI constantly but not when you are
working with only still images and audio. When working only with stills and
audio DV-AVI tends to give you audio glitches as well as occasional quality
problems with images. As far as Photo Story 3 goes I mentioned it simply
because it is also a FREE program offered by Microsoft and it's designed for
creating slide shows. WMM works for creating slide shows but is designed to
work as a "video" editor making PS3 more suited to the needs of people
planning to work only with stills and audio on a particular project. I
personally use both programs on a constant and regular basis more often than
not using them both together. (Create a WMV slideshow with PS3 then import
it into WMM for the finishing touches)
Got your detailed answer of course, must admit I actually got 2 or 3 slide
show programs, one literally went out and started grabbing and refiling
(?)all my images of which there must be at least 4000.... Dont know what I
did then, did I just shut down the computer? Its this kind of thing, a
program telling me where to file my pix and just start 'doing it', that kills
me.... Of course nada is said in its brochure, cept maybe we automatically
file your images, nuff said. When I get my nerve up to really try to
'convert' my current AVI slide shows to DVD, I will let U know the results.
I did DL some of your mini tutorials, which may help since they can be used
w/o being on the web....nice.
Thanx L. sorry if all this is cumbersome, but its just how things
are/seem to be.